Seeking Protection
in the Time of Trouble
2, THE TIME IS AT HAND, p. 139
Our King will thus reveal himself gradually: some will discern
the new Ruler sooner than others, but ultimately “every eye shall see [horao—discern]
him.” (Rev. 1:7) But “he cometh with clouds”; and while the clouds of trouble
are heavy and dark, when the mountains (kingdoms of this world) are trembling
and falling, and the earth (organized society) is being shaken, disintegrated,
melted, some will
[B_page 139]
begin to realize
what we now proclaim as already at hand—that the great day of Jehovah has come;
that the foretold day of trouble and wrath upon the nations is beginning; and
that Jehovah’s Anointed is taking to himself his great power and beginning his
work, of laying justice to the line and righteousness to the plummet. (Isa.
28:17) And “he must reign until” he shall have put down all
authorities and laws on earth, contrary to those which control in heaven.
As the trouble increases, men will seek, but in vain, for
protection in the “dens” and caves, the great rocks and fortresses of society
(Free Masonry, Odd Fellowship, and Trades Unions, Guilds, Trusts, and all
societies secular and ecclesiastical), and in the mountains (governments) of
earth; saying, “Fall over* [cover,
protect] and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from
the wrath of the Lamb; for the great day of his wrath is come.” Rev. 6:15-17
idolatry of money in which the whole world has gone mad, and which is to
have so prominent a place in the trouble, causing not only anxiety for
its accumulation, but also for its preservation, is to be completely
overthrown, as shown in Isa. 2:8-21; Ezek. 7:17-19.
The great day of
trouble will be recognized, and from its storm all will seek protection, though
few will recognize the judgments of the Lord then abroad in the world as the
result of his presence, the setting up of his authority, and the
Greek word epi, here used, is generally translated on,
but has also the significance of over and about,
and is so translated many times in the common version. The thought is that of
protection, not of destruction. The common view of this passage, that it
teaches that wicked men will get faith enough to pray for literal mountains to
fall, is absurd. The real fulfilment is already beginning: the great, the
rich, and no less the poor, are seeking to the mountains and rocks and caves
for shelter from the darkening storm of trouble which all see is gathering.
[B_page 140]
enforcement of his
laws. In the end, however, all shall recognize [“see”]
the King of glory; and all who then love righteousness will rejoice to
obey him and conform themselves fully to his just requirements.
That will be a time of retribution upon all who by fraud or
force, sometimes in the name of the law and under its sanction, have
unrighteously grasped the rights or property of others. The
retribution, as we have seen, will come from the Lord,
through the uprising of the masses of the people. In their
distress, loathe to part with a dollar or an acre, or an assumed right
or dignity long enjoyed and long undisputed, yet seeing the approaching
retribution, many will seek the covering of the hitherto powerful
organizations—civil, social and ecclesiastical—to promote and shield
their interests, feeling that alone they must fall. But these shall not
be able to deliver them in the day of the Lord’s anger. The approaching
conflict and retribution will cause all the families of the earth to
wail; for it will be a time of trouble such as was not since there was a
nation—no, nor ever shall be again. It will be “because of him”
that they will wail; because of his judgments producing in a natural way
the great trouble; because the Lord ariseth to shake terribly the earth,
and to destroy its corruptions. (Isa. 2:21) So far-reaching will be the
judgments and the trouble that none shall escape. Ultimately every eye
shall discern the change, and recognize that the Lord reigneth. The
trouble might be greatly lessened could men see and promptly act upon
principles of equity, ignoring and relinquishing all unjust privileges
of the past, even though legalized; but this, selfishness will not
permit until the trouble shall break and overthrow the proud, humble the
powerful and exalt the meek.
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