"And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns
like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon.

Two-Horned Beast
"And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the
earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was
"And he doeth great wonders so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the
earth in the sight of men.
"And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles
which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the
earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and
did live.
"And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of
the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the
beast should be killed.
"And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to
receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads."
Revelation 13:11-16
Adam was first formed, and subsequently God "breathed into his
nostrils the breath life." Man then became a sentient being. In like fashion, the
Church of England and Ireland (the "beast" with "two horns" that spake
as a "dragon") first suggested to those that "dwell on the
earth," that they make an "image to the beast."
Who would want an "image" to that ugly and mean
"leopard-like" beast?
Certainly no one with an eye for beauty
would. As though the four
"beasts" of Revelation that already existed were not enough, this
"beast" with "two horns" wants yet one more, and it is very specific
in what it wants those who "dwell on the earth" to make.
It wants a powerful and mean "beast" that would perform in
similar fashion to the "leopard-like" papal "beast." Those who
"dwell on the earth" succeed in making this "image." They make an
"image" to the papal "beast," but there it lies comatose and
inanimate. It needs to be given "life." Only the "beast" with
"two horns" has the power to do this. It has not done so yet, it seems.
The "beast" with "two horns" was formed during
the reign of Henry VIII. He wished to have his marriage to Queen Catherine of Aragon
annulled. He wanted an heir and she apparently could not provide one for him. He sent his
request to Pope Clement VII (Giulio de Medici) in 1528.

King Henry VIII

Ann Boleyn
Married King Henry VIII
After he divorced
Catherine of Aragon |

Sebastiano del Piombo,
Pope Clement VII
c. 1526, Museo di Capodimonte, Naples
Two papal representatives, Cardinals Compeggio and Wolsey, decided
against granting Henry VIII his divorce. Normally, if Catherine of Aragon had been some
ordinary woman, the annulment would have been granted in a heartbeat. However, she was the
aunt of Charles V, emperor of Germany, to whom the pope was closely allied.
Pope Clement VIIs nephew, Alexander de Medici, married the
daughter of Charles V. This brought tremendous new power to the pope on the one hand.
However, in politics you win some and lose some.
The decision to refuse Henry VIII of England his request was a
disaster for the pope. The king formed his own church and rid himself of Catherine of
Aragon, killing two birds with one stone, as it were.
Thus, the new Church of England and Ireland came into being.
Subsequently, under the reign of "Bloody" Queen Mary, the papal powers tried to
retake England back to the mother church. However, despite the cruelty of Roman Catholic
persecution, the Protestant movement in England could not be stamped out.

"Bloody" Queen Mary I
Catholic Queen of England |
To this day, the English church and state are united under the banner
of the crown of England and the Episcopal Church.
The Church of England and Ireland prospered greatly. Breaking away
from the papal power may seem to have been a small event, because it started out as a king
wanting to rid himself of his queen.
Little events such as this led to a tremendous change in history. The
new freedoms of Protestants in England (first led by Wycliff, starting in 1378, and then
enhanced by the birth of the English Church) now changed the course of British history.
Under papal rule, total subjugation of thought was required. As
papacy lost its grip over England, the Protestants found an open door
for reform. This
enabled England enormous freedom of thought, business, trade, etc. The British were able
to harness the industrial revolution while at the same time spreading their empire over
the earth. England also embraced education and freedom of thought in science.
The British navy cast its shadow over the world. Britain would take the
natural resources of its far-flung empire at dirt-cheap rates and return manufactured
goods at high rates. It became rich as it became the banking center of the world. Banking
was also to become an incredibly powerful tool in the emerging industrial world.
England's educational system became the inspiration of many nations.
Little did Pope Clement VII realize how badly the papal fortunes would suffer from the
loss of England.

British Ships Ruled the Seas
as the Sun Never Set
on the British Empire
The Church of England and Ireland went on to greatness
while the papacy looked on green with envy as the British flag spread over the whole
With its gunboat diplomacy Britain ruled the waves and much of the
Britain even took the Holy Land for a season, something the
papacy wanted to do but could not do. Yes, the "beast" with "two
horns" was able to do all of this "in the sight," in full view of, the
"leopard beast," the papacy (Revelation 13:14).
At last papacy realized that the policy of keeping people ignorant and
poor would not allow them to successfully function in an increasingly liberated and
enlightened world. This forced papacy to reluctantly abandon the policy which for
centuries had enabled the kings of earth to live "deliciously with her"
(Revelation 18:9).
The papal powers have been a "Johnny come lately;" but in our
time, by abandoning her old ways, the papal powers have regained stature and power in the
modern world, while the Church of England languishes. The British Empire has experienced a
setting sun, and the glories of her former days are gone. Its momentum has long since
ended. Hence, with this brief overview of history, we see how the "beast" with
"two horns" now might need a little help from an "image of the beast."
Nothing succeeds like success.

Defining the "Image of the
Our subject is not the "beast" with "two horns."
However, we cannot speak about the "image of the beast" without acknowledging
that the "beast" with "two horns" suggests the creation of this
"image" to those who "dwell on the earth." The two-horned beast
alone has the power to "give life unto the image of the beast" (Revelation
The making of an "image of the beast" required a combination
of church and state union. Papacy at one time had enormous land holdings. It
virtually was a government in the earth, exercising religious and temporal power. The same
was true of the "beast" with "two horns," the Church of England and

Church State of
England and Ireland |
However, the United States of America, a
predominantly Protestant nation, is a republic that forbids union of church and state. The
exercise of religious influence without civil authority or power will not provide the
conditions for a "beast" to exist in the United States if it is to be an
"image" of the "leopard beast." The Protestants have long desired an
organization for greater power and influence in the world.
The Evangelical Alliance formed in 1846 was an endeavor by
evangelical Protestants to organize for power. Protestants have not been good at
organizing. Various denominations have special interests and are steeped in doctrines that
find them at odds with each other.
The very year the Lord finally cleansed his sanctuary was the very year
that the Evangelical Alliance of Protestants was formed. After all was said and done,
nothing came of this alliance. It never got off the ground. Finally the leaders of that
movement turned over all their papers to the World Council of Churches.
The World Council of Churches came into being in 1948 at Amsterdam.
The world had just emerged from the most deadly war in history. Nations of Europe were
trying to heal their wounds and rebuild from the ashes of that terrible war.
The papal powers that had tried to ride the axis powers as the queen of
the third Reich had failed miserably. The bloody charger the papacy had hoped to ride to
power was shot out from under her. Gone were their hopes of gaining control of the Roman
Empire and a return to her former glory.
Neither the "leopard beast" nor the "beast" with
"two horns" had returned from the war with laurels of victory. Hence the Church
of England provided leadership at Amsterdam to create the World Council of Churches. Even
the papal powers begin to rethink their "go-it-alone" endeavors.
Perhaps the time had come to make a common cause with Protestant
powers, at least until Papacy could seize their worldly objectives. In other words, they
would use allied forces to gain their objective and then shaft the allies after their
victory. One must remember that these "beasts" of Revelation are all bent on
power. There never was and never will be any love found among them.
The evidence so far seems to point to the World Council of Churches
as being the "image of the beast." The fact that it was formed and then remained
lifeless fits into the present situation.
The World Council of Churches seemed to start off at a critical time in
world history. The world had just emerged from the bloodiest war of history. There was
chaos in civil affairs, and religion shared the chaos of that time. Everyone was looking
for answers and for hope as they climbed out of the war-ravaged bunkers.
At Evanston, Illinois, the World Council of Churches' theme was
"Christ the Hope of the World." That seemed to be its high point. What happened
to this movement is that it was infiltrated with communists from the Eastern Orthodox
Church. This council soon went off to engage in the social ills of the world.
The resources of the World Council were squandered in Africa fighting
for social justice—which was nothing more than communist propaganda. Africa had started
to sink into anarchy. Joining any of the various factions of anarchy would not save
Africa. The World Council of Churches emerged bloodied, but wiser from this foolish
The World Council of Churches is waiting for a cause again that might
bring it some credibility in the world scheme of things. When that moment comes, the
"beast" with the "two horns" will step forward to give
"life" to the "image."
The Two-Horned Beast will
give "Life" to the Image