Revelation 17
Verse 1
Verse 2
Verse 3
Verse 4
Verse 5
Verse 6
Verse 7
Verse 8
Verse 9
Verse 10
Verse 11
Verse 12
Verse 13
Verse 14
Verse 15
Verse 16
"Ten Horns and the Beast"
Verse 17
Verse 18

Part II
"And the angel said unto me, Wherefore didst thou marvel?
I will tell thee the mystery of the woman, and of the beast that carrieth her, which hath
the seven heads and ten horns." |
The messenger (THE TIME IS AT HAND,
Chapter IX, "The Man of Sin—Antichrist")
undertakes to explain this mysterious "woman" to the John class, and also of the
"beast" that carries her, which has "seven heads" and "ten
horns." That is a big undertaking.
page 272,
we are given this
explanation: "We purpose to show that this
Man of Sin is a system,
and not a single individual, as many seem to infer; that as the Christ consists of the
true Lord and the true Church, so Antichrist is a counterfeit system consisting of a false
lord and an apostate church." The apostate church is the "woman" of
Revelation seventeen.

The Man of Sin is a System,
Not a Single Individual.
Again on page 354, we are given the explanation of
the "scarlet beast:" "Papacy was rising, supported by the Roman
beast (people) and by its horns (powers)."
The "Roman beast (people)" depicts a
peoples form of government, which was in the "bottomless pit" or dormant
condition from Constantine to Hitler. This "beast" had no governmental authority
and was defunct, but its power remained in the "people and nations and tongues."
The "woman" rode on the "waters" which are
identified as "people." The real authority was in the "dragon"
"heads" and the papal "heads" and the "ten horns" that
controlled the earth. The only government the "people" had (with the exception
of the papal state) was in the hands of civil or papal authority.
The "seven heads" of the "scarlet beast" were only
figure "heads" dominated and subordinated into helpless acquiescence to civil
and papal power. The "people" were not represented in civil or religious
matters. The "scarlet beast" was muted and powerless in the "pit."
Notice, however, that it is not dead, only dormant, even as Satan
will be dormant in the true Kingdom. The desire and will to be represented in government
always existed in the hearts of the people, even as it does today. Nobody wants to be
governed by dictators.

"The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall
ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth
shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the
world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is." |
An explanation of the "beast that thou sawest" is
necessary. There was a time when this peoples form of government "was"—or
a time in which the people were truly represented in government. When was that?
When Rome was a republic, it had a senate composed of the aristocracy
called "patricians" and common people called "plebeians." Gradually,
prominent statesmen became popular enough to threaten the republic and its senate.
Julius Caesar was killed because Brutus and his co-conspirators thought
that he was popular enough to become emperor and abolish the senate. The fear was real.
Finally, it did happen. Soon emperors or dictators replaced the
senate. That is when the "scarlet beast" went into the "bottomless
pit" where it languished.
It "was," or existed, when Rome was a republic
before the seven emperors or "kings" arose in Constantines time.
It "is not," or ceased functioning, when Constantine
was emperor and until the last dictator Hitler is gone.
This may need one qualification:

The French Revolution |
During the French Revolution, from CE 1789 until 1799, one tenth of Europe (the French
nation "tenth"), the "wild beast" of Revelation 11:13, arose from the
"bottomless pit" condition and created great havoc.
This "wild beast" we believe was identifiable as belonging to
the "scarlet beast" of Revelation seventeen. It was pagan in nature and very
angry at the powers that suppressed it. However, the time for their full release must wait
until all "seven kings" or emperors have fallen. That brings us to our time.
While this "scarlet beast" was in the bottomless
pit, it "was not" in the sense that it was dormant and powerless. The
Word of God makes plain that it "shall ascend out of the bottomless pit" for a
short while to fulfill Gods purpose. Then it shall go into "perdition"
The time when this "scarlet beast" arises from the
"bottomless pit" is the Christians time clock. We will know exactly the
time of day it is when we see the "beast" return from its dormant position to
live again in its fury.
"And they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not
written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast
that was, and is not, and yet is."
This verse may seem to imply personal foreordination, but the seven
promises of Revelation are given to "overcomers," and none are given to the
elect. However, God did foresee a class from the foundation of the world
who would be his elect and precious followers.
Those who make their "calling and election" sure will fill
Gods foreordained purpose. Those in this class will not be at a loss to fathom the
"scarlet beast's" returning to power. No, they will be awaiting its return. All
others will be amazed at this wild "beast" suddenly rising from the

"And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are
seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth." |
Here the angel draws near to Gods people and tries to impart
information very clearly so that we may be wise. You know what Daniel said: "The wise
shall understand." This verse tells us: "The seven heads are seven mountains
[governments], on which the woman sitteth."
Which head or government first gave a place for the
"woman" to "sit"? Would you concur that it was Constantine
and the empire under him? Obviously, the answer is, yes.
Who was the last dictatorship that the "woman" rode
upon? The Nazi-Fascist regime was in a concordat with the pope (1929 and 1933),
and at no time renounced it. The Catholic Church justified her alliance with the axis
powers because she claimed they were a hedge against communism.

—The First King |

—The Seventh King |

"And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and
the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space." |
Now get your wristwatches out and let the Lord set your prophetic
time clock.

John the Revelator |
Where is the Revelator or the John class standing when he says "five are
In Revelation 1:10 John says: "I was in the Spirit on the
Lords day." The Lords day is the Sabbath day and the 1000-year day of his
So John is seeing this vision on the beginning of the Lords day.
We believe that is 1874.
What five kings had already fallen at that point of time?
(1) Constantine, (2) Valentinian, (3) Justinian, (4) Charlemagne and
(5) Napoleon.
"And one is:" The Victor Immanuel II government was in power
and his line continued in Immanuel III.
However, Bro. Loomis later felt that Austria-Hungary better filled that
role because it was more influential (Reprint 3984, col. 1, par. 3 and 5829, col. 1, next
to last par.) and it, together with France, Italy, Spain and Portugal, was willing to
accept the Catholic Church as a partner with the state. Assuming the latter is true, the
sixth head would be Francis Joseph who dated from 1848-1916. At any rate, the prevailing
power in 1874 would have to be the sixth "head" in power.
Then we are told about the last head: "The other is not yet
come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space."
The Nazi regime had its shadowing beginning in 1920. In 1921 Hitler was
named Leader of the Nazi party. Hitler ran for President in 1932, the year the
Weimar Republic collapsed. On March 23, 1933 Hitler was named Chancellor of Germany and
became dictator of Germany and lasted until 1945, a very short space in relation to the
length of other "heads" with their "kings." Fascist Italy also joined
this unholy alliance in solid union with the "woman."
We notice something else. For the first time in this chapter
"seven kings" are mentioned. As there are only seven "heads," so there
are only seven "kings"—an emperor or king for each government or
In that there are only seven "heads," "mountains,"
and "kings," their eighth condition will be as Bro. Russell says: the
"beast without a head—either a republic or anarchy. If a republic, we shall shortly
expect anarchy." (Reprint 2062:6 or HARVEST GLEANINGS
When the last "head" and "king"
shall have come and
gone, then we must wait until the "scarlet beast" without a head emerges in
Europe as a socialist republic. When this happens we may set our clocks when these
"ten kings" emerge and give their "power and strength unto the beast,"
for then they will "make war with the Lamb."
The moment of action and conflict will come when these "ten
kings" or temporal rulers of Europe agree to political unity. They are already agreed
on a common currency, which is working surprisingly well. This is called the Economic
Monetary Union (EMU). It has coined a currency called the Euro.
German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder revealed what his design was
when he said: "The Euro can be a success only with greater political union. It
is not enough to simply coordinate monetary policy." (Reuters, Dec. 29, 1998. The
Philadelphia Trumpet, Feb. 1999, p.14) His is not just a lone voice crying
in the
German Foreign Minister Gunther Verheugen echoed the same sentiments
saying: "Normally, a single currency is the final step in a process of political
integration. This time, the single currency isnt the final step, but the beginning.
Inevitably it will happen." (PA News, Jan. 1, 1999. The Philadelphia
Trumpet, Feb. 1999, p. 14)
Also Johannes Rau, a leading member of Chancellor Gerhard
Schroeders Social Democratic Party, was elected Germanys eighth post-war
president May 23, 1999. Everything is shaping up for a power grab.
Some thought perhaps that Frances Miterrand (now deceased)
would begin this movement. He was more of a philosopher than a man of dynamic action, and
little happened under his leadership. However, Germanys Schroeder is a man of
untiring ambition and design. There can be no doubt that he is lining up the nations of
Europe to create a political union of nations, or a republic with socialism as a common
Needless to say, this is with the popes blessing. If and when
this republic emerges with a united peoples government, we can set our clocks for
action. Whether it will be Schroeder or someone else yet to come to power, clearly the
present momentum will continue until "ten kings" give their power and strength
to the "beast."
The original peoples government of Rome was pagan. We believe
that humanism is a modern paganism that has extended influence on the nations. As with the
Roman Empire, for a time paganism and Christianity co-existed with a certain amount of
enmity. Christianity suffered, but also gathered strength and numbers.
As we shall see, these "ten kings" will not immediately turn
against the "woman." No, their first concern will be to placate the
"woman" while they strengthen themselves as a world power.
The "woman" will remain aloft this "scarlet beast"
until she seduces these "ten kings" to make war on the "Lamb." That
will be the "womans" fatal mistake. The "ten kings" will lose
that war, as you obviously might guess.
Then the "ten kings" and "the scarlet beast" in
unison will vent their rage on this "woman." Now let us go to Revelation 17:11.

"And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the
eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition." |
That is short for telling us that while the "seven
heads," "seven mountains" and "seven kings" are in power, the
"scarlet beast" will remain in the "bottomless pit." Know, therefore,
that after the last of the "seven" emperors are expired, the "scarlet
beast" will start to emerge.
Let us note this verse very carefully. It says: "The beast that
was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into
perdition." When the "scarlet beast" is delivered from the "bottomless
pit," he will become the "eighth" succession of government over the Roman
Notice, it does not call it a "head" but only
"eighth" (ruling power)—obviously without a "head" or emperor
"king" ruling the "beast." Remember that this "beast" was a
republic originally, and it shall be a republic once again.
Consequently "ten kings" shall arise to govern. We are
approaching the time when "ten kings" will agree to give their power and kingdom
unto a people's republic.
"And is of the seven"—what does this mean? It is not a
head and is nowhere called a "head." Remember, John carefully tells us there are
only "seven heads" and "seven kings" and "seven mountains."
There are no more than this.
It is of "seven" in the sense that during the closing days
of the fourth "head" (the Charlemagne Holy Roman Empire), "the wild
beast" rose up during the French Revolution (1789-1799) in a "tenth" part
of the Roman empire. Royalty and priestcraft were savagely attacked.
This was a miniature of what it would be like when the "scarlet
beast" and the "ten kings" turn on the "woman." History cast its
shadow before it. What happened back there was a shadow of things to come.
During that uprising, the people were organized by brilliant pagan
leaders, men of letters, who stirred the passions of the people to throw off the bonds of
priestcraft and royalty. The savagery of that time was casting its shadow before it.