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Part I

   The Anomaly of the Lamb
   The Lamb in Daniel
   The Lion and the Lamb
   Qualities of the Lamb
   The Lamb's Rejection

Part II

The Lamb in Revelation
The Lamb Opens 7 Seals
The Lamb and Great Company
Washing in the Blood of the Lamb
The Shepherd Lamb
The Dragon and the Lamb
The Lamb's Book of Life
The Lamb on Mount Zion
Followers of the Lamb
The Song of the Lamb
War with the Lamb
The Word of God
Marriage of the Lamb
Marriage Supper of the Lamb
The Lamb's Wife
No Temple Here
The Throne of God and the Lamb
The Lamb is the Lamp

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Part I


The Anomaly of the Lamb

"The Lamb shall overcome them, for he is Lord of lords and King of kings, and they that are with him are called and chosen and faithful."  Revelation 17:14

    An anomaly is something out of the ordinary, a departure from the usual or deviating from the general rule—you might say unexpected. In our text, we find what is not usually expected of a Lamb.

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    Most of us are not into physical confrontation. If we had to choose an opponent, what better one could we choose than a poor and gentle Lamb. Most of us could proceed with confidence into such a conflict. If you could not subdue a lamb, you probably could not subdue anything.

    But the Lamb of Revelation 17:14 is an anomaly. This Lamb is King of kings and Lord of lords, invested with all power in heaven and earth—truly an invincible Lamb. If we are among those called, chosen and faithful, we shall share in that invincibility—even if it costs us our lives. That’s another anomaly.

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The Lamb in Daniel

    If the sheep family is used, why not better portray the victor as the Ram? In Daniel 8:3,4, we find a conquering ram.

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Ram = Medo Persia

"I raised my eyes and saw, and behold, a ram standing on the bank of the canal [river]. It had two horns; and both horns were high, but one was higher than the other, and the higher one came up last.

"I saw the ram charging westward and northward and southward. No beast could stand before him, and there was no one who could rescue from his power. He did as he pleased and became great." (ESV)


   The mere fact that the ram "magnified himself" (RV) tells us this ram was a loser. And sure enough, as the story unfolds, Daniel introduces a mean he-goat, a billy-goat.

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He-Goat = Grecia

"...A male goat [he-goat] came from the west across the face of the whole earth, without touching the ground. And the goat had a conspicuous horn between his eyes.

"He came to the ram with the two horns, which I had seen standing on the bank of the canal [river], and he ran at him in his powerful wrath.

"I saw him come close to the ram, and he was enraged against him and struck the ram and broke his two horns. And the ram had no power to stand before him, but he cast him down to the ground and trampled on him. And there was no one who could rescue the ram from his power.

"Then the goat [he-goat] became exceedingly great; but when he was strong, the great horn was broken, and instead of it there came up four conspicuous horns toward the four winds of heaven."  Daniel 8:5-8 (ESV)

    As soon as we read that this he-goat "magnified himself" (RV) exceedingly, it indicates it will not last. Nothing that magnifies itself will last. Just as the ram representing Medo-Persia with its two horns fell before the he-goat of Greece under the one horn Alexander the Great, so the Grecian empire later became fused into the Roman empire. Consequently we read a little horn emerged and "a king of fierce ["bold"—ESV] countenance" whose power would be great and "by his cunning he shall make deceit prosper under his hand, and in his own mind he shall magnify himself." (Daniel 8:23-25)
    This later "a king of fierce ["bold
"—ESV] countenance" was tougher than all, but because he magnified himself he would be broken as well.
    The fall of that false religious system was forecast in these words, "...and he shall be broken
—but by no human hand." (Daniel 8:25, ESV) All powers that magnify themselves shall all be broken. Yes, even if it requires a hand stronger than human, their pride guarantees their destruction. So, in this quick scenario we are shown the end of all those powerful beasts and kings who magnified themselves. Pride goes before destruction.
    This "king of fierce ["bold"
—ESV] countenance" represented the great line of religious princes who have reigned through the centuries, which cannot be broken by any power on earth. Satan supports it and will not allow this antichrist ruler to fall until the King of Kings arises to destroy it. But it will be destroyed.
     Even the Devil in his appointed time will be destroyed. He, too, magnified himself saying, "I will be like the Most High." Yet he will end up as ashes on the earth.

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The Lion and the Lamb

    Our brief review of Daniel’s prophecy casts a shadow before the lamb. The lesson is enlarged in the Revelation of Jesus Christ. There we are introduced to the Lamb, "Arnion"—occurring 28 times, referring to Jesus. Only once is Jesus referred to as the "Lion of the tribe of Judah." (Revelation 5:5)
     We are told that the Lion of the tribe of Judah prevailed to open the book sealed with seven seals. The reason the "lion" is mentioned here is to fulfill the Old Testament scriptures.

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The "lion" confirms Genesis 49:9,10 which reads:

"Judah is a lion’s cub; from the prey, my son, you have gone up. He stooped down; he couched as a lion and as a lioness; who dares rouse him?

"The scepter shall not depart from Judah, nor the ruler’s staff from between his feet, until tribute comes to him [until he comes to whom it belongs]; and to him shall be the obedience of the peoples." [ESV]

Genesis 49 was Jacob’s prophecy.

    But in Deuteronomy 33:20 and 22, Moses speaks of two other tribes as lions.

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1. "Gad ... dwelleth as a lion, and teareth the arm with the crown of the head."

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2. "Dan is a lion’s whelp: he shall leap from Bashan."


    But in Revelation we learn it is not Gad or Dan that is the triumphant lion. Clearly, the lion of the tribe of Judah prevails to open the scroll, sealed with seven seals.


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Jesus is only once referred to as a lion in the New Testament, whereas 28 times in Revelation Jesus is referred to as a lamb. Now that is a very interesting fact.

Why not a little more of the lion figure and less of the lamb? After all, one of the attributes of Jehovah is the face of a lion, which means it can be used to describe holy and good qualities. But, for whatever reason, it is not the way our Lord Jesus is most often described.

    Why the lamb symbol? Lambs are not known to be smart, nor strong, nor wise, nor rich, nor glorious, nor powerful. But the Lamb of which we speak is an anomaly of a lamb. We read,
    "Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honor, and glory and blessing." (Revelation 5:12)

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Qualities of the Lamb

    We must not ever underestimate the qualities of this Lamb. This Lamb is endowed from the One who sits upon the throne with all the resources of God Almighty. This Lamb is worthy to receive such resources and glory. We must forget about all the images we may have had of a harmless and weak and adorable little creature. This Lamb whereof we speak is not to be petted and fed and coddled like an ordinary lamb.
    This Lamb has one unique quality
—the heart of a servant. In one sense, no one took Jesus’ life from him. He gave it—he sacrificed it freely for those he loved. He came not to be ministered unto, but to minister and to give his life as a ransom for all. He came not seeking anything for himself, to use men for his own purposes. He came to seek and to save that which was lost. He came not to glorify himself, but rather to glorify his Father in heaven. This is the heart of the Lamb.

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The Lamb Is Rejected

    The world is not prepared to receive the Lamb at his second advent any more than they were in the first advent.


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When John the Baptist proclaimed before the nation of Israel, "Behold the Lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world" (John 1:29), you would think that the people who had wearied themselves sacrificing lambs for centuries would be ready to hail a Lamb that only needed to be sacrificed once for all—a Lamb that could forever take away sin and end forever the tiresome repetition of sacrificial lambs that could never take away sin, that could never purge the believer.

Israelites at the first advent were not seriously interested in having one deal with their sin. More importantly, they wished for one to deal with Rome.

    Oh, if Jesus had come on a white charger ready to take on Rome, how gladly Israel would have hailed him and rallied to his side, especially if he could use his miracle-working power to bloody Rome. Yes, they might have received the Lamb of glory, described as "King of Kings and Lord of Lords."

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Strangely, here was a nation specially trained for nearly 2,000 years in types and shadows and prophecy to receive a sacrificial Lamb as their Messiah.

When the moment arrived to receive their Lamb and King, they crucified him. John truly realized this, saying to Israel,

"There standeth one among you, whom ye know not." How sad! (John 1:26)

    We are told that we have an education problem in this country. But here we see that God spent so many centuries to prepare a people to receive their Messiah, and when the appointed moment came, the examination time, the nation flunked the test. Only a few were prepared to receive Jesus as their Messiah. Why did they fail? How could a whole nation blank out on the test? How could they be so blind, so dull, as not to recognize this one sent of God?

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We see now that they were not prepared for their Messiah to be a sacrificial Lamb.

Why that should take them by surprise, in view of all the lambs they slew yearly, we may find hard to believe.


   If only Jesus had lived up to their expectations! In brief moments, perhaps he did. When he healed the sick, raised the dead, fed the multitudes—this was what they were looking for. Someone who could do something materially. If he had only improved this type of performance, they would not only proclaim him King, but they would have followed him. Supposing he organized them into an army to throw off the shackles of Rome. Imagine having a general who could say to his soldiers, "Don’t worry when you go on the battlefield. If anyone is hurt or wounded or even killed in battle today, I will heal their wounds or raise the slain from the dead." What an invincible army that would be! The wounded and slain would be back in battle on the morrow. Additionally, if he could call down fire from heaven on the enemies, how quickly and easily he might have subdued Rome.
    But how different was their Messiah. They could reject him and disbelieve him at will
— with impunity! They could renounce him and call him a wine-bibber and a glutton, a friend of publicans and sinners. They could throw stones at him. Finally, they could strike him, spit upon him and crucify him. Who needed a leader such as this? They dared not treat their own religious leaders thus. They dared not treat the Roman rulers thus. A sacrificial lamb was not what they wanted.
    Ah, so when the golden moment came to Israel, their finest hour, their appointment with destiny, they rejected the One sent of God. "He came unto his own, and his own received him not." (John 1:11) The tragedy is numbing.


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